Posts Tagged ‘elderly’

  • Stroke Quiz Answers

    Stroke Quiz Answers Answers to the Stroke Quiz on page 261 of BoomER Emergency Room Survival Guide: Name 3 signs or symptoms of a stroke: (Hint: see Page 252 in BoomER) — sudden numbness or weakness in an arm or leg, headache, dizziness, changes in vision or loss of vision in one eye, sudden confusion, difficulty […]

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  • Welcome to Endless Knot Press

    Endless Knot Press is a new publishing company with a bold mission: Refocus elder care on quality of life and meaningful living Create content that educates and enables caregivers to best meet complex needs of frail elderly such as medical, nutritional, creative, life meaning, spiritual Empower Baby Boomers to live their golden years healthier and happier How is […]

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  • Eliminate Test Worship

    Think it’s always best to get tested? That normal CAT scan may seem reassuring when you have a migraine but it can be equivalent to 100 regular xrays! That can quickly add up to serious cancer risk. Tests are often useless and do more to protect the medical professional than to help the patient. Some common culprits: […]

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  • BoomER: Emergency Room Survival Guide for Baby Boomers and Older Adults

    Should I rush to the ER? What dangers await me? How do I avoid common emergency room medical care errors? Which ER is best for a heart attack? How has ER overcrowding affected healthcare around the globe and in my emergency room?

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  • Salt Tips

    Salt helps to preserve food and adds flavor which is why more than a dash of sodium is added to most foods in groceries and restaurants. Is salt bad for everybody? Does it raise the blood pressure and therefore contribute to heart disease and stroke in all who consume sodium? The verdict is not yet in […]

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  • Walk for your Life

    How long will you live? Wish you had a crystal ball? Well a recent analysis of several studies that included 35,000 older adults may be the closest thing to that coveted crystal ball. Researchers found that the faster study participants could walk, the lower their risk of dying. It seems to be a case of […]

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  • Gold Star: Pablo Picasso–Revered 20th Century Artist Who Never Slowed Down

    Nude Woman with a Necklace 1968 Guernica 1937 Chicago Picasso 1967   Pablo Picasso lived almost 92 years and his creativity and productivity flourished up until his final moments. There was no couch-potato existence for this man –who developed the artistic technique called Cubism– despite suffering from severe prostate problems in his later years. “Death […]

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  • Ten Commandments of the Emergency Room

    I. Thou Shalt Plan in Advance Your Emergency Room of Choice Do not wait for a crisis. Do research now. Learn which hospitals are best for trauma, pediatric and heart care. Perhaps a local community hospital offers fine care for basic medical emergencies? Ask your doctor at which hospital he or she has admitting privileges or […]

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  • Not Your Ordinary Grandma!

     This grandma loved embroidery, farming, cooking and spending time with her husband and children. Friends and relatives enjoyed grandma’s embroidered pictures, but at age 79 her arthritis made it too painful to use the needle. She could have simply given up, sat around watching children play and listened to radio shows. But this was no ordinary grandma! […]

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  • Medications: Too Much of a Good Thing?

    Medications are good for you – right? “Take this prescription, it will make you feel better or live longer.” Will it? If your head is already spinning do not fret. Doctors are confused too. Your heart specialist gave you two new drugs to take, and one more from the urologist, and another two from the […]

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